
What is an NPI?

The NPI, or National Provider Information, is a specific healthcare provider identifier that covered organizations use to identify them in regular transactions. The purpose of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) is to uniquely identify a health care provider in standard transactions, such as health care claims.

NPIs may also be used to classify health care providers on prescriptions, in internal files to connect patented provider identification numbers and other data, in benefit coordination between health plans, inpatient medical record systems, in program integrity files, and in a variety of other ways. In standard transactions, HIPAA require protected organizations to use NPIs. If you make any electronic transactions with federal health services, you are a covered entity.

HIPAA-covered healthcare professionals, such as doctors, physician assistants, chiropractors, certified counselors, physical therapists, pharmacy technicians, and others, as well as entities such as hospitals, home health care facilities, nursing homes, residential rehab centers, group practices, medical equipment firms, and others, must receive an NPI for use in all HIPAA-compliant transactions. When you change practices or function in different settings, the NPI remains the same.

You can only have one exclusive NPI. It can be used by all eligible insurance insurers, obviating the need for the multiple provider numbers already allocated by Medicare, Medicaid, and private payers.

Current NPI Lookup Search

An NPI can be found at https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/.

By going to https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/ and checking their entire database you can find NPI.

The most recent NPI information given by individuals and organizations is periodically updated in this database.

How do I apply for my NPI?

You can apply for an NPI in the following ways:

  1. Apply online(nppes.cms.hhs.gov).
  2. Mail-in a written application.
  3. Through an electronic file interchange provided by a large organization.